about angela

My name is Angela Emsen-West and I’d like to welcome you to my website. I am an established watercolor artist based in picturesque County Mayo in the west of Ireland. My painting journey began back in the year 2003. Through the versatile mediums of watercolor paint, watercolor pencils, and polychromos pencils, I explore a diverse range of subjects, including still life, portraits, and animals.

In many instances, my focus is drawn to otherwise seemingly ordinary aspects of our daily lives. In the midst of the fast paced world we live in, I like to pause and appreciate the simplicity and charm of the everyday things around me. Within the familiar confines of my environment, I like to capture the essence of these commonplace objects. My objective is to illustrate their inherent beauty in my paintings.

The use of watercolour paint along with watercolour and polychromos pencils enables me to illustrate depth through constant glazing and to enhance the interplay of light, shade, and atmosphere with delicate transparencies.

In my paintings, I try to represent the things I see with the most precision and realism that I possibly can, whilst, at the same time, avoiding deep conceptual themes. For me, watercolour painting is a source of huge satisfaction and joy. It allows me to connect with everything around me in a very unique and meaningful way. I hope you find my paintings inspirational and that they ignite in you an appreciation for the simple aspects of life. Feel free to explore my galleries and online store.