angela's blog & videos

Angela's Blog

My favorite colours

Colours I use a lot firstly, may 2019 be a beautiful painting year with lots of success. I mainly use Winsor Newton pro. Paints. They have a fantastic range of 96 colours within their scope and the light fastness is excellent....

Angela's Blog

Wet On Dry

Lets get started Yaaaa! painting. wet on dry is another technique in water colours, simple to do but sometimes hard to remember why we use it. so listen to the video and I explain why. Don't forget to send me any questions you would like answering . Painting from...

Angela's Blog

The Emerging Vulture

I was chatting to a friend a good while back now and she mentioned to me about a place called Eagles Flying in Sligo. It was said to me in passing and to be honest I had forgotten about it. A few years later, I know I’m so bold, Mike and I were chatting about where...

Angela's Blog

Lets Stretch That Paper Out

I have so many people asking the question why? ho! Why should I stretch my paper. There are a few reasons why and I will go through them in bullet form. 1, If you are using 140LB weight paper or less ( the paper weight will be shown on the front of your pad) when...

Angela's Blog

Dog Out of Water

I have a wonderful Labrador/collie cross dog, he is the kindest, gentlest animal and such a great pet. One thing that never ceases to amaze me about him is that he doesn't like water. It's the strangest thing from the breed that he is any way. Can you just imagine...

Angela's Blog

Morning Wake Up

Morning wake-up. Have you ever got up in the morning and thought maybe I should have stayed in bed or maybe I should have gone shopping instead of going into the studio to paint? I have this quite often especially if I have had a bad sleep, but this is my Business...