Water Colour Society of Ireland

I am so delighted to announce that I have just been accepted as a member of the Water Colour Society of Ireland.

I just cannot explain how hard I have worked to become a member. I applied 3 times before, I am sure there has been a good few times that I have said “ I’ll not bother I’ll leave it.” in fact I did not apply again for three years. After the first few rejections I did start to question my self and my work although my family and friends were so supportive. I do realize that the people sending out the rejection letters do not intend to breakyour confidence into little pieces but it happens and I suppose that is why some people achieve great things and some , who may have as good a talent ,don’t, because they cannot manage the rejection.

My youngest daughter has always loved the saying “i may be in the gutter, but I’m looking up at the stars” and boy do I feel like that at the moment totally seeing stars.