Afternoon tea with Mike and Dee

I have been working on a painting which when thought of, was to celebrate two special people and the times that we have with them as friends and cousins. I am talking about my dear friends Mike and Dee. We meet once sometimes twice a week. Sometimes we go out and about other times we just sit and have afternoon tea and cakes. We talk constantly and in all of the conversations of course we sort out the worlds problems. These are such easy times, no proving, no worrying and I would hope Mike and Dee feel the same ( or there are no more cream cakes!). I know it seems like I’m off on a tangent but most of the ideas I have for paintings are from my life around me and as Mike and Dee are part of me and my life ideas come .

But, My ideas always seem so assured, so straight down the line. As with the idea for “Afternoon tea with Mike and Dee “. I wanted to replicate the good times the laughter and the discussions.

As I set up my still life( I will blog about how I set up my still life soon) and visualized the scene in front of me and the atmosphere I would like to create. I meticulously move objects, lights and anything else that gets in the way of my vision of what is to be. Am I happy with what I have captured? Fairly sure, so lets take some photographs. I prefer to take my own photographs. For still life set ups I take my photographs and check them over on the computer and pick out the one I want.

I seem to be going a long way around to get across the meaning behind this blog but if your willing, Ill carry on.